The Favour of God
“God is good, all the time and all the time, God is good”. This “call and response” affirmation of faith is quite common and I’ve heard it through song, movies and by Christian speakers. The person proclaims “God is Good" and the recipient replies “All the time". Then, after a pause, the recipient says back to the person “All the time" and the person says “God is good!”. Seeing and hearing it in action is quite a powerful thing. On our best days, those days where we’re feeling the sun warming our face, when our heart is bursting with joy and the encompassing love of God surrounds us this affirmation is exceedingly easy to say, understand and even live by. On our worst days it is a pull on our heart and a lump in our throat. In the last post I wrote about having a better relationship with God. I spoke on the premise that God doesn’t move but sometimes He goes quiet. It’s a hard truth; sometimes, when you really need Him, there is an absence of feeling, l...